We are open and accepting new referrals.
Call us today 410.876.4449.
early childhood mental health
is everybody’s business
It's easy to know when your child needs help dealing with a fever or a broken bone. But mental health problems can sometimes be harder to identify.
Intervening early to address behavioral health issues has a significant and positive impact on a child's ability to bond with family, do better in school, and adjust well socially. Early interventions have been linked to reduced health problems, less drug and alcohol abuse, and fewer interactions with law enforcement later in life.
healthy kids and strong families
Early Childhood Mental Health (ECMH) is a child's ability to experience, regulate and express emotions; to form close, secure bonds; and to explore the environment and to learn. It is about every child reaching his or her full potential.
E-Smart helps ChildreN
Don’t let income be a barrier. There are no specific income or insurance requirements for E-SMART services. Find out if E-SMART can help your family. Call us for more information at 410.876.4449.
Who are within the age range 0-8;
If you have concerns about their behavior such as tantrums, defiance, not following directions, etc.;
If they are having difficulty making friends, managing emotions, unable to control their impulses, etc.;
Are not meeting developmental milestones such as talking, walking, potty training, etc.;
Are receiving early intervention or special education services;
Are born substance-exposed
Have experienced trauma (i.e. frightening, dangerous, or violent experiences that pose a threat to a child’s life, well-being, or sense of safety).